Stylish Bubbly Image Gallery with jQuery

In this post I have extended the image zoom effect to create an awesome image gallery. This gallery picks a random image from the list and applies zoom effect to it. The result is a beautiful effect like bubbles of water. Like to see it???

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HTML Markup

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<div id="main">
<ul class="gallery">
<li><img src="1.jpg" /> </li>
<li><img src="2.jpg" /> </li>
<li><img src="3.jpg" /> </li>
<li><img src="4.jpg" /> </li>
<li><img src="1.jpg" /> </li>
<li><img src="2.jpg" /> </li>
<li><img src="3.jpg" /> </li>
<li><img src="4.jpg" /> </li>
<li><img src="1.jpg" /> </li>
<li><img src="2.jpg" /> </li>
<li><img src="3.jpg" /> </li>
<li><img src="4.jpg" /> </li>
<li><img src="1.jpg" /> </li>
<li><img src="2.jpg" /> </li>
<li><img src="3.jpg" /> </li>

jQuery code

var currentImg;/*To hold the current image in action*/

function rand(l,u) // lower bound and upper bound
return Math.floor((Math.random() * (u-l+1))+l);

$child = $('').children();
var childLength = $child.length;

setInterval(bubble, 600);

function bubble()
var thisImg = rand(1,childLength);/*Get any random number from 1 to maximum number of children in gallery*/

if(currentImg != thisImg)/*To prevent multiple effects on same element*/
$thisChild = $(' li:nth-child(' + thisImg + ') > img')/*Get img child of this li element*/

$thisChild.css({'z-index' : '10'});
marginTop: '-110px',
marginLeft: '-110px',
top: '50%',
left: '50%',
width: '174px',
height: '174px',
padding: '10px'
}, 1000);
$thisChild.css({'z-index' : '0'});
marginTop: '0',
marginLeft: '0',
top: '0',
left: '0',
width: '70px',
height: '70px',
padding: '5px'
}, 900);
currentImg = thisImg;

CSS Code

body{ background-color:#CCC;}
#main{top:50%; left:50%; height:600px; width:800px;}{list-style: none; margin:200px 100px;} li{float: left; position: relative; width: 110px; height: 110px;} li img{height:70px; width:70px; padding:5px; border: 1px solid #ddd; background: #f0f0f0; position: absolute; cursor:pointer;}

Written by Arvind Bhardwaj

Arvind is a certified Magento 2 expert with more than 10 years of industry-wide experience.
