Importance Of Using HTML5 & Bootstrap As Key Elements To Develop Websites

Reckoned for its out-of-the-box functionalities and amazing user interface, HTML has attained a widespread presence in the past few years. Its ability of not involving the usage of third party applications makes it a preferred choice for designing the web and mobile applications. Despite including phenomenal features, HTML5 is always in the surge of utilizing Bootstrap, CSS, and JavaScript for designing responsive, user-friendly and scalable websites. The injection of HTML5 and Bootstrap as major key components in designing websites is used by developers to create professionally rich websites. The reasons listed below will give you a fair clue suggesting the role of HTML5 and Bootstrap for designing cross-browser, cross- compatible and completely optimized websites.

HTML5 & Bootstrap Are Key Elements To Develop Websites

What is Bootstrap?

Bootstrap, as a framework, is extremely popular amongst developers to design web pages which feature an appealing layout and advanced functionalities. Originally developed from the Twitter application, it is one of the best frameworks for designing mobile ready websites. It features the standard set of classes that allow developers to quickly create applications that scale all device size.

Top Reasons For Opting HTML5 and Bootstrap

The perfect amalgamation of HTML5 and Bootstrap components contribute to streamlining the process of developing web pages that have a well-enhanced performance, complex functionality, and an appealing interface to address the needs of end users.

1. Consistent Design
Introduced initially, Bootstrap came altogether as a framework that encourages consistency across internal tools. The framework, with its lesser set of coding and interactive content in the website and applications, attracts the users by providing accurate information as and when required. The compatibility issues are also not a problem for websites designed using this framework. The framework is compatible with all modern browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, and Opera.

2. Better Responsiveness
It has become important than ever to design a business website that works across multiple platforms and devices. Bootstrap is a mobile-first framework which emphasizes mainly on the mobile view of a website. Using Bootstrap framework ensures that your website looks great on all devices including smartphones, tablets, and different browsers as well. The grid system in the latest version of Bootstrap 4.0 offers a better support to mobile devices. Similarly, the addition of customization options now even supports Saas.

3. Easy Customization Options
Websites designed using Bootstrap allow the site owners to edit, create and modify them as per business requisites. The presence of easy and quick customization options further enhances productivity by saving time and money. The functionality can be quickly enabled with just a single click.

4. The Powerful Grid System
Easy to use and flexible, Bootstrap helps in scaling a web design from smallest mobile device to high definition display, segmenting the screen into different columns so that you can decide how much area each element of your website should occupy.

5. Theming With Bootstrap
Bootstrap uses a modern, clean, and attractive design along with some theme styling features. Styling in Bootstrap framework saves you a lot of work as well as makes it simple for you to use Semantic markup in your theme.

6. Simplifies Coding Process
Using HTML5 and Bootstrap saves from the hassle of coding again and again for different platforms. Additionally, it supports the architecture that requires lesser or no line of coding. Hence, it becomes easy to manage the code files. Talking about design updates, Bootstrap comes with an amazing toolkit which makes the designing process a cakewalk.

7. Wide Pool Of Community
If there is a category that favors one framework over the other, Bootstrap clearly has the upper hand. With a large following of developers and designers, Bootstrap is likely to give you a huge support when your website runs into any kind of issues.

Additionally, the presence of plugins can be strapped into the framework to further extend its functionality for better web development.

Written by Nola Arney

Nola Arney, a web developer working with HTMLPanda, has presented this blog by researching wholly on HTML5 app development. Having several years of expertise on the latest technologies of design and development, she has developed a passion and a keen interest in writing and sharing knowledgeable posts related to her field. Her posts are written with the intent of inspiring other web developers working globally on related technologies.
