Less is the widely used CSS preprocessor that extends CSS with dynamic behavior such as variables, mixins, operations and functions. From the beginning of web […]
twito is a simple yet configurable jQuery Twitter plugin that displays the latest tweets on your webpages without acquiring any space. twito creates a floating […]
This time I have created my first Google Chrome Extension – ‘TwitFinder’. TwitFinder is a simple extension that allows you to retrieve the twitter profile […]
Twitter has crawled to each and every web application these days. Everyone is extracting benefits fron twitter. You can also get some advantage from twitter […]
In the current time of social networking social bookmarks have become lifeline of any website that needs to attract traffic ( including webspeaks.in :P). Everyone wants to […]
Every web developer in this universe would like to have a Twitter application on his website. Here is the simplest possible PHP application that allows […]