Age Verification Extension for Magento 2


Age verification is an important part of the online stores that are selling adult products or alcohols etc. In addition other stores may also need the age verification based on terms of services. This extension allows you to lock the store for unverified visitors. The visitors cannot access any page on the store unless they have verified their age.

  • Free Installation
  • Free support for 3 months
  • Free Upgrades Guaranteed
  • Compatible with Magento CE 2.0.x and 2.1.0
SKU: age-gate-m2 Categories: , Tags: ,


Age verification is an important part of the online stores that are selling adult products or alcohols etc. In addition other stores may also need the age verification based on terms of services. This extension allows you to lock the store for unverified visitors. The visitors cannot access any page on the store unless they have verified their age.

Important Features:

  1. Custom age verification page
  2. Customizable verification duration
  3. Customizable content
  4. Add static block on verification page to change look and feel
  5. Option to add custom CSS
  6. Works with Full Page Caching (FPC)


Steps to Install:

  1. After download, unzip the content of zipped file into root of your magento 2 installation
  2. Verify that you have app/code/Webspeaks/AgeGate folder available
  3. Connect SSH of your server and run following command from root:
    sudo php bin/magento module:enable Webspeaks_AgeGate
  4. Then upgrade the database as:
    sudo php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  5. Regenerate the static content:
    sudo php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Now the extension should be enabled on your store.

Written by Arvind Bhardwaj

Arvind is a certified Magento 2 expert with more than 10 years of industry-wide experience.


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