Animating View in Backbone JS

This is a small Backbone JS application that shows how we can animate views in Backbone JS. The animation effects have been generated using CSS3. The advantage of this application is that you need not to change anything in your views to apply the transition effect. This plugin only changes the way the viiews are rendered in the main application. This plugin has a render method that will render the views and apply necessary classes for the transition.

Animating Views in BackboneJS

Live Demo Fork on GitHub

Currently the plugin supports two transition effects:

  1. slideInOut
  2. slideUpDown

How to apply this plugin:

Your old view rendering:
requirejs(['views/ViewHome'], function (ViewHome) {
var home = new ViewHome({
el: ".canvas"

New view rendering:

requirejs(['views/ViewHome'], function (ViewHome) {
var home = new ViewHome({
el: ".canvas"
Backbone.Transitions.transit(home, transitionType); //transitionType can be slideInOut or slideUpDown

The CSS code of the plugin will automatically apply the transition in the view rendering. However based on the structure and view rendering of your Backbone application, some tweaks may be required to apply the transitions properly.

Written by Arvind Bhardwaj

Arvind is a certified Magento 2 expert with more than 10 years of industry-wide experience.
